Use-by-date : Till 2021.06.04

Manufacture : South Korea

Manufacture & Products distributor : before and after bio., Inc

Functional Status : Wrinkles for functional cosmetics

[efficacy effect]
Improve the anti-wrinkle.

[usage, volume]
Take the proper amount of the main product and spread it evenly on the skin.

Standards of quality assurance : This product may be exchanged or compensated in accordance with the fair trade commission Notice consumer conflict resolution criteria.

Consumer consulting center : 02-554-7557

Precautions :
1) In case of abnormal symptoms or side effects of use, such as red spots, swelling or itching, due to direct sunlight,consult with a specialist
2) Be careful not to use the injured area
3) Precautions for Storage and Handling
A) Keep out of reach of children
B) Keep out of protect sunlight